What is a Social Potluck Project?
Step 1. We (either one, two or three performer/hosts) host a series of five dinners for up to five people at a dinner (or four dinners with six people). We cook these meals. Everyone who comes to the dinners will pay for their meal by telling one story. We will record this stories digitally (sound only) as it is presented to the group.
Step 2. After the five dinners we will take all the stories and create a performance based on the stories, themes and our experience at those meals.
Step 3. We perform this finale show for everyone who participated in the dinners along with their guests (each participant can bring one or two guest depending on how the project is organized). There is no financial cost to attend but people must pay with some kind of dish or food item resulting in a giant potluck dinner during the show thereby completing the cycle of food for stories.