Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Social Potluck Comes to the Glenmore Neighbourhood of Kelowna!

Social Potluck has been fortunate enough to receive a UBC Okanagan Sustainable Community Development Grant to hold the Social Potluck project in the Glenmore neighbourhood of Kelowna.
For five evenings in May, 2011 I will cook dinner for participants in exchange for a story. Those stories will be turned into a performance which those participants can attend with a guest for free as long as they bring an item to share for our giant final performance/potluck.

Dates and locations to be determined.

I am currently accepting names of interested participants.

Observations so far...

Glenmore is a large area. Using the official city map Glenmore is a sprawling area which travels from "Old Glenmore" near downtown, which is what most locals call Glenmore, north to Lake Okanagan and along Glenmore Rd. until Scenic Rd. on the right and Begbie Rd. on the left, and East to where Scenic Rd. becomes Sexsmith.
From what I can tell Glenmore is for the most part a place to have a residence. There are two small malls, one pub, a handful of take out restaurants and a few sit down restaurants. There are no civic community buildings or organizations that I can find. Churches and schools fill the role of being community centres, renting spaces to groups for events. There are numerous parks.
There are a number of large farms on the outskirts supplying fruit and vegetables.
I look forward to hearing the stories of the people who live here.

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